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Disability Community Project

Spill the AccesibiliTea

Spill the AccessibiliTea invites you to share unfiltered, humorous rants about digital accessibility issues in under 1 minute. Your submissions will be amplified on Scribely's social media to raise awareness and uplift disabled voices year-round.

Listen to the Podcast

About this project

At Scribely, we believe that digital accessibility isn’t just a checkbox—it’s a vital conversation that needs to be heard. The Spill the AccessibiliTea podcast was born out of our commitment to amplify the voices of the disability community and bring real-world digital accessibility issues into the spotlight. We’re doing this podcast because we want to go beyond traditional awareness efforts and dive deeper into the everyday experiences that shape the digital world for so many people.

This podcast isn’t just about sharing stories—it’s about creating a platform where those stories can drive real change. By listening to the unfiltered, humorous, and sometimes frustrating rants about digital accessibility, we hope to inspire action, spark innovation, and push for a more inclusive web. We’re passionate about making accessibility a priority, and this podcast is one of the many ways we’re working to make that happen year-round.

So, tune in, laugh a little, learn a lot, and join us in the movement to make the digital world better for everyone.

Share Your Voice

Feel free to stay anonymous, or boldly share your name—your choice! We're excited to amplify your stories on our social media channels and major podcast platforms.

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Let loose and let it flow—share your digital accessibility experiences with a dash of humor and a sprinkle of sass. Whether it's a minor hiccup or a major frustration, keep it light, keep it real. Together, let's turn everyday annoyances into impactful conversations that spark laughter, insight, and lasting change.

1. Record your audio (keep it under 1 minute).
2. Submit your recording on this page with the "Upload File" button above.
3. Fill in your contact information to receive a digital thank you card from Scribely!

Let’s Get Loud. Let’s Get Real.
Let’s Spill the AccessibiliTea.